Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Shop: Sweet Salvage

Tonight I got a sneak peek at the dazzling 'wicked' displays set up for day one of tomorrow's monthly four day sale at Sweet Salvage in Phoenix.

I could tell you it was by exclusive gilded invitation.

But I'd be lying.

For the first time ever, Sweet Salvage held a design preview party.  Open to the first 50 registrants.

Which means that when the email came in, I threw myself at the computer, shoved $20 into their virtual cash box as fast as my feral fingers could type, and wept with joy to see that I was #21.

Delighted knowing that I would be able to gaze upon their perfectly adorned exhibits before they are pillaged by frenzied shoppers.

This is how it works.

Each month, the third weekend, starting Thursday, Sweet Salvage is open.  The items being sold are finds.  Finds like dressers, house numbers, old iron church door handles, busts, vintage books, chandeliers.  You know...finds. Sweet finds.

Some have been restored.  Some have been freshly painted.  Most are in their original splendor.  Which is why the prices are so surprisingly affordable.

The space is divided up into sections where different designers/pickers/people-I-want-to-be-when-I-grow-up make displays showcasing their finds.  A display that goes along with the theme set by Sweet Salvage for that month.

This month, wicked.

The line outside the building on Sweet Thursdays is reminiscent of Black Friday.

You can only plan so much, because you never know what you'll stumble upon.

I didn't know until tonight that I wanted a monkey candelabra.

Tonight, after two glasses of wine, I chatted up Scott, one of the space holders.  He has a normal 8-5, but is a picker for fun.  He finds treasures at the junk yard, craigslist, and now through his network of people that know that he's the guy that might buy their random stuff.

He mostly deals with metals. And pulled the copper house fountain below off of death row at the junkyard.

Photos don't quite capture it's haunting magical mysteriousness.

And just so you know a little more about me.

Without wine, discussing things in a casual back-and-forth exchange is called a conversation.

After two glasses of wine, it turns into 'chatting up' which is me barraging someone with questions...with my wide-eyed huge smile listening face...likely sweating a bit.

If you live in the area, let's meet there.  Tomorrow. And a month from tomorrow.

If you don't live here, please plan to visit on Sweet weekend so I can take you.

Here is their website again so you can double check the dates.

And sit and watch the photos from last month stream by.

While I go grab some water and ibuprofen from all this chatting so I can bring my A-game tomorrow.


  1. Heidi - What can I say...Awesome-inspiring post.
    Photographer first or Word Smith first? Perhaps both. It was nice to see you tonight.

    Warmest Regards,
    Jim Rawlins

    1. Jim, SweetMan is a very fitting moniker. Thanks for your thoughtful comment! I can't wait for next month, and please, serious please, continue with the preview parties. It was amazing.
